Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
Social media and mental health Half of the world’s population are mobile Internet users. As of 2019, there were over 5 billion mobile users, according to Data Reportal. Of those people, 2.7 billion of them specifically had a smartphone. If you don’t already have a smartphone, it’s only a matter of time before you get one. In the past year alone, 100 million people started using one of these devices. This trend has been increasing since their initial release. Apple released the first modern-day smartphone, the iPhone , in 2007. Samsung followed this up with their Samsung Galaxy in 2010 . This chart below shows the increase in both cellphone and smartphone users. via Pew Research The increase in smartphones was much sharper than cellphones in general since mobile users were likely switching to smartphones. It was up to 81% in 2019 compared to 35% in 2011. Of all adult-aged cellphone users, those between 18 and 29 are most likely to have a mobile Internet...